WarmConnect Hosted Dialer and Contact Center

Warm Connect Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
301, Balaji Darshan,
Tilak Road, Santacruz (W),
Mumbai - 400 054.
301, Balaji Darshan,
Tilak Road, Santacruz (W),
Mumbai - 400 054.
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About Us
WarmConnect is an offshoot of a licensed communication service provider in India with 12 years experience in communication services to more than 4000 companies. WarmConnect is an attempt to productise services provided to Indian Call Centers. Some details about the WarmConnect team below.
Deven Verma - Product Architect
Deven began his telecom days as a research analyst where he first learned of the huge regulatory imbalances the industry suffers from. He has more than decade of experience in VoIP. He hated the switch from H323 to SIP and still believes the former to be better. He once liked to solder circuits together, but lost his soldering iron after his son and daughter were born.
Alpesh Lad - Customer Service Co-ordinator
Alpesh began his career co-ordinating support for phone installations, and may well end it doing the same. He too likes designing circuits. He is in large part responsible for the favorable testimonials of customer service we gather. His spare time is currently spent with his little nephew.
Binu Nair - Research and Development
Binu has been named grandfather of R&D at the tender age of 32. He designs our backend and billing systems. He also designs softphones. His daughter is his hobby.
Deepesh Damodaran - Research and Development
Deepesh designs our Cloud infrastructure and Asterisk based products. Speed is his friend and he is known to get a week's work done in a day on occasion. He has no hobbies he would like to publicly speak about.
Shridhar Shetty - Research and Development
The youngest member of the team, Shridhar is responsible for executing customisations and bespoke requirements. He handles remote installations and monitors WarmConnect instances. We take turns to ensure he has no time for hobbies.